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Can I Get Dental Implants If I Have Diabetes?

Posted by writeradmin

I lost a tooth and was hoping to replace it with a dental implant. My dentist told me that diabetes is a contra-indication for dental implants. I’m a bit confused about that because a friend of mine, who is also diabetic has two implants. She has not had any problems with them. Is there a reason my dentist is telling me not to get them?


Dear Carl,

Drawing of a dental implant that shows the fixture embedded in the jaw surrounded by the roots of two adjacent teeth.

Unless there is something else you haven’t mentioned, then diabetes alone should not keep you from getting dental implants. It does add some potential complicating factors. You would want careful diagnostic work as well as an extra level of care and observation throughout the procedure.

Another important factor will be the dentist you choose to do this procedure for you. My guess as to why your dentist was steering you away from dental implants probably has more to do with your dentist’s comfort level in placing them. Don’t pressure him or her into doing them. It will be important that you get someone who has advanced post-doctoral training in dental implants, as well as a great deal of successful experience. Take a look at Dr. Abrahante’s qualifications and that will give you an idea of what you are looking for. Anything less than that puts you at risk.

Don’t settle for someone with less training. There are countless dental implant horror stories which caused serious complications, including TMD Disorder, serious infections, and even losing part of their jaw.

This blog is brought to you by Birmingham, AL Dentists Drs. Dudney and Abrahante.
Hablamos español.

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