Saving Money on a Smile Makeover
Posted by writeradmin
I haven’t been too pleased with my smile recently. Then, a few months ago I took a tumble while biking and chipped a tooth. My dentist repaired it with something called dental bonding. The tooth is whole again but the bonded part is obviously different from the rest of the tooth. It also caused a tiny gap. This may be the time for me to get the smile makeover I’ve been pondering. However, I’m a big believer in finding a bargain. The dentist that was recommended to me for smile makeovers charges a pretty penny. Would I save money by either having bonding done on the whole teeth or by getting some of those online veneers? If I do bonding on the whole surface of the teeth, will it close that gap?
Dear Alison,
Let’s start with the dental bonding. This is a bad idea. Not only did your dentist demonstrate he doesn’t have the skill to properly do dental bonding by the mismatched color and causing a gap in your teeth, it won’t be less expensive.
The cost of dental bonding often seems less expensive because it is used for things like closing a small tooth gap or fixing a chip in a tooth. When you’re talking about the entire surface of the tooth, it will end up costing a lot more. First, it is more time consuming than porcelain veneers because it has to be done by hand while you’re in the dental chair. This will take hours and cost a small fortune. Plus, it will only last a few years as opposed to the decades that porcelain veneers can last.
The online veneers you are seeing are not porcelain veneers. One of the better brands for these is Snap-on Smile. These are made from acrylic and will snap over your teeth. They will look okay. Up close they will not look quite like natural teeth. They will be much cheaper than porcelain than porcelain veneers, though you should expect to replace them every few years. You’ll also need to removed them after each meal and clean them out thoroughly or you will end up dealing with excessive decay.
If you want a cheap smile makeover, I would suggest getting teeth whitening and then having your dental bonding redone by a dentist who is skilled in cosmetic dentistry. Going to dental school is not enough for this. You ‘ll want a dentist who invested heavily in post-doctoral training as well as has an artistic eye.
If you are looking for that Hollywood gorgeous smile, then I highly recommend you save up and have the porcelain veneers done by a highly skilled cosmetic dentist and not try to find a bargain with this. There are countless cosmetic dentistry horror stories from people who tried to save money and ended up with a worse smile than the one they started with.
This blog is brought to you by Birmingham, AL Dentist Dr. Thomas Dudney.
We give free teeth whitening with every porcelain veneers procedure.